ZeroWaste_logo_green_webZero waste management is an attempt and an act to properly segregate waste according to whether waste are capable of being reused and recycled, to whether they can be decomposed or not. Zero waste is, for me, a personal and disciplinary act, with so much stuff going on, small trash are given little attention and from this mass repetitive act, improper disposal of waste becomes an issue. It is a Personal act by means that an individual must be sure of him/her self and must have high respect for the environment, disciplinary by means that actions must be based on strong foundation, with high feeling of responsibility and commitment.

zero wBUT with all wise words and ambitious management, implementation of this act is so much harder than it is first tried.

Not all who hears comply and not all who comply, complies with their whole heart that is why programs, events and workshop do not became very successful for only a fraction of the many tries really hard to do it. in my own community the very place that I live in, a few maybe no more than our fingers, apply it in their homes and to be completely honest me and my family, even our close household are not able to implement it. again it is still a matter of  discipline and respect.

we cannot blame large factories and even manufacturing firms, that makes plastics and other materials because all of us takes an advantage of its easiness and usefulness.

but we must not let the problem hanging.

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