Panguil bay, as the name implies it is a canine tooth shaped bay which is located in the northwestern part of Mindanao. It is the mark of separation of the Zamboanga peninsula from the mainland Mindanao. Little is known about the bay, but because of this, it is also safe to say that the bay is less likely inhabited and wasted.


Panguil bay is a part of a much bigger body of water which is the Iligan bay. It is one of the most richest fishing grounds in the country that gives different product that ranges from shrimps ,prawns to crabs and sea shells but unfortunately over fishing has got the numbers of sea life to decrease dramatically and over fishing is only one reason. Mangroves that plays a huge role in the ecosystem of Panguil bay are being threatened, although in the previous years they have not seen any importance for this mangroves, now, after a series of research and studies they found out that these mangroves of multiple specie, has a big role in the local species’ composition and density. Because of this decline they are now starting to implement mangrove rehabilitation in major parts specially in the municipality of Kolambugan which has the highest mangrove density.

Another specie existing in Panguil bay is the number of plankton specie. These are just recently discovered and studied, with a total of 93 phytoplankton specie in the area that comes from 4 major groups namely diatoms, dinoflagellates, silicoflagellates and cyanobacteria.

It is suspected that the primary reasons for this rise of plankton population are water quality in the said area, temperature, salinity and chemical solids. Now, local government is in an alarming position to prevent eutrophication that may cause major impacts and changes in the phytoplankton dynamics


1. agris.fao.org (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

2. Phytoplankton diversity and abundance in Pangui lBay, Northwestern Mindanao, Philippines in relation to some physical and chemical characteristics of the water (Maria Lourdes D. G. Lacuna, Mary Rose R. Esperanza, Mark Anthony J.Torres, Maria Luisa S. Orbita, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Philippines.)


ZeroWaste_logo_green_webZero waste management is an attempt and an act to properly segregate waste according to whether waste are capable of being reused and recycled, to whether they can be decomposed or not. Zero waste is, for me, a personal and disciplinary act, with so much stuff going on, small trash are given little attention and from this mass repetitive act, improper disposal of waste becomes an issue. It is a Personal act by means that an individual must be sure of him/her self and must have high respect for the environment, disciplinary by means that actions must be based on strong foundation, with high feeling of responsibility and commitment.

zero wBUT with all wise words and ambitious management, implementation of this act is so much harder than it is first tried.

Not all who hears comply and not all who comply, complies with their whole heart that is why programs, events and workshop do not became very successful for only a fraction of the many tries really hard to do it. in my own community the very place that I live in, a few maybe no more than our fingers, apply it in their homes and to be completely honest me and my family, even our close household are not able to implement it. again it is still a matter of  discipline and respect.

we cannot blame large factories and even manufacturing firms, that makes plastics and other materials because all of us takes an advantage of its easiness and usefulness.

but we must not let the problem hanging.

Envi/Engg – 11th hour


1. Describe some of the emotions you felt during the film. Which aspects of the video had the greatest impact on you and why?

> I felt shaken because now I feel that the world is slowly deteriorating every second. The parts of the video that had the greatest impact on me are the images of our dying world and the loneliness, disappointment and frustration in the voices of the experts talking in the movie because they connect and pass the message with deep integrity and a somewhat pleading way.

2. What information contained in the video was new to you?

> I did not know that the greatest weapon for mass destruction is an idea, a process. I always thought of weapons as physical things, and yes it is the newest information I got from the movie, it is that economic globalization weakens our world in many massive ways.

3. What topics presented in the film would you like to explore further? Do you know what you need to know in order to continue learning about environmental issues? If the answer to that question is no, how can you find out what you need to know?

> I would preferably explore issues about mass species extinction, it is a personal thing, I am a person who puts value into everything and is a keeper of the past so, I am very much affected and I will be very disappointed, frustrated and desperate if the list of endangered species grew more.

No, i think that by reading, researching and continually monitoring other organization activities I can gather knowledge and widen my perspective about environmental issues.

4. Discuss the ways that eating locally produced food is an environmental issue. What can individuals do to support the local production and consumption of foods?

> Eating locally produces food for me is a good thing, it creates a really small balance among a really small area. It is like consuming current sunlight as stated in the movie, that if we only continued in that same living, the planet would have not suffered what it is experiencing today. By accommodating locally produced food we can control food production, food consumption, waste, energy in a small scale basis but if we can enlarge it to a bigger scale then it might be helpful.

As an individual, the only thing I can think of about food in general is that do not waste it, it is energy, it is money,and fairly enough it is very important.

5. Who should see this film and for what purposes? Who might be unreceptive to the ideas in the film and why?

> I think all of us should see it, it is an eye opener and after all we all live in the planet being discussed, so all of us has to have something to say and something to care about.

People nowadays, are very futuristic, techie and advanced, we always tend to care more about upgrading, leveling up, taking it to the next level. So, in my opinion, futuristic people will be a bit unreceptive of this topic.

6. Share one issue or item that struck you while you were watching The 11th Hour.

> I really do care about the integrity of each specie, so yes, what really struck me is the issue about endangering specie through human acts. Again, as I said before it is a personal thing.

7. As a result of your having seen this film, what, if any, specific actions do you think you will take?

> As of now, I can’t promise anything but in my own ways I will try to research more, to pay attention in this subject, to be able to be more knowledgeable, open and ready, to be creative, spontaneous and fast in making solutions and decisions that, I hope, one day, will be able to help and change our planet.